Microsoft’s new MX record TTL policy
In March 2022 Microsoft decided to change their standard policy for MX records TTL (Time To Live). This applies to organizations using Microsoft 365 (Exchange Online and Exchange Online Protection) to host their emails.
Starting from May 2nd, the new maximum TTL value on MX records will be 6 hours (21600 seconds).
As a best practise Microsoft recommendeds that the TTL value on MX records should be set to 1 hour (3600 seconds). Using a TTL value higher than 6 hours might affect the flow of emails, so that incoming emails are delayed.
We recommend checking the current TTL on all MX records and changing the TTL to 1 hour (3600 seconds) as soon as possible.
We have already changed the settings for those of our clients with a service agreement.
Changes to the MX records are done in your DNS provider’s system. Remember to change the MX records of all domains that you use for email.
Microsoft’s nye MX record TTL politik
I marts 2022 besluttede Microsoft at ændre deres standardpolitik for MX records TTL (Time To Live). Dette vil have betydning for organisationer som bruger Microsoft 365 (Exchange Online and Exchange Online Protection) til at hoste deres e-mails.
Fra d. 2. maj vil den nye maksimum TTL værdi være 6 timer (21600 sekunder). Microsoft foreslår, at TTL på alle MX records sættes til 1 time (3600 sekunder). Hvis TTL er sat højere end 6 timer (21600 sekunder). vil det have effekt på mailforløbet, så indkommende mails kan blive forsinket.
Vi anbefaler at tjekke TTL på alle MX records og få dem skiftet til 1 time (3600 sekunder) så hurtigt muligt.
Vi har allerede skiftet TTL for de af vores kunder, der har en service agreement.
Ændringer af MX records skal foretages i jeres DNS udbyders system. Husk at skifte MX records for alle domæner som du bruges til e-mailhåndtering.